Welcome Foodlings

Hello, and welcome to the NOM magazine blog. We hope you have a delicious time.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Can carrots really improve eyesight?

Once when I was little, my mom told me that eating more carrots could improve my vision. I believed her and went through a crazy carrot phase where I ate carrots practically 24/7. My skin started to turn orange, and so I stopped. I didn't notice an improvement in eyesight, in fact, I needed glasses just a few months later. http://www.snopes.com/food/ingredient/carrots.asp has the truth behind the myth, and how it came about.
~Carrot Cake

Apple a Day

Do you remember when you were younger and didn't want to eat any of those "icky" fruits or vegetables, and your mom would say "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"? Well according to http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/an-apple-a-day.html this phrase might have a little more truth to it than expected!
Lovingly yours, Marshmallow.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Forgotten Foods

As we grow older, our tastes evolve, and so begins the forgetting of out delicious childhood favorite snacks. Remember any of these treats?
Frosted Animal Crackers
Remember when you used to go insane over these whenever someone brought them to school? Remember how you used to suck and scrape the icing off and disregard the normal animal cracker beneath the sweet stuff?

Oatmeal with Dinosaur Eggs
Remember how whenever you added water the little eggs would hatch and dinosaurs would come out? Remember how your mom would yell at you to finish the oatmeal, after you had already picked out all the dinosaurs?

Follow our blog for more forgotten foods!
Deliciously yours,
Sweet TaRt

Why I Hate Cats

One time my mom made cornbread and then covered it up with foil. No one was in the kitchen for 10 minutes. When I came in, my cat had gnawed out the center of the cornbread and then hacked up a hairball in it. That's why I hate cats.
Deliciously yours,
Sweet TaRt

Something you should know

I was baking cranberry orange bread last night, it smelled wonderful, and it came out perfectly. However, having lived in a house full of three boys with bottomless stomachs, I knew I had to hide it. So I thought, I'll just cover it with tin foil and stick it in some obscure place in the fridge. Big mistake. I took it out the next morning, and I could hardly peel the bread off the aluminum foil. Note to self: Never refrigerate sweet bread coming right out of the oven.

Cramming Cuisine

Okay, so if you go to Lasa, and you're in biology, you have crammed. That's inevitable. Don't pretend you haven't. I don't know about you, but the best way for me to ease the stress of cramming is to stuff my face with food. But before you grab the easily-accessible potato chips or cookies, try grabbing one of these instead.
Deliciously yours,
Sweet TaRt

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Best Cupcake in Austin

Did you know that in the average dark chocolate cupcake with frosting and sprinkles there are about 459 calories? Is that bad? Probably. Gross. Certainly. Do you care? Heck no, why should you? They’re delicious, and I'll tell you where to get the best one in my upcoming article.

The Dark Side of Nutrition

Ever consider taking that drastic, “ethical” step to becoming a vegan? DON’T DO IT! Read this article to find out how going vegan can destroy lives and turn people into garbage-eating Sasquatches.
Deliciously yours,
Sweet TaRt

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Conspiracy Against Men

Are you suffering from tight jeans syndrome? Does your boyfriend keep buying you candy? Are you of the female gender? If you answered yes to all of the above then look no further, Marshmallow has the answer to all your troubles in the upcoming opinion piece: "The conspiracy against men."

Madam Mam's - A Review

Bored of the same old, same old? Want to try something new, fresh and exciting? Get ready for a bold splash of Thai flavor!