Welcome Foodlings

Hello, and welcome to the NOM magazine blog. We hope you have a delicious time.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Living the Sweet Life

Ever wondered how bakeries get their start? Get a behind the scenes look at how bakeries work and what it takes to get one started in my new article "Living the Sweet Life" which takes you through the life of the "Big Sky Bakery"

Striving for Perfection

Hi everyone! I hope you have had a wonderbar weekend. I'm writing to tell you that I'm super pumped about my upcoming feature article: "Striving for Perfection". It is an inside look at anorexia with exclusive interviews with a doctor who specializes in the disorder, a nurse who recollects her experience with the disorder, and a girl who has been anorexic for two years.

Cake Balls!

Are you tired of the typical candies, cupcakes, and ice cream for tasty treats? Check out my upcoming article on cake balls, the dessert of the future. These cute little delicacies will blow your mind with one bite and and leave you wanting more. Try one soon!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Leafy Greens

Although some of you may not like spinach, this veggie provides both nutrients and health benefits for our body like protection from heart disease, arthritis, and other diseases. Noted that it isn't the best tasting vegetable out there, there are many ways to enjoy spinach and with all the good things it does for you, you'd be crazy not to. Find out more at http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=43#howtouse.